Enter Engage Coaching: a blend of coaching, mentoring, and immersive learning to help everyone achieve the very best results. Our fully accredited coaches help employees, managers, executives and teams to transform their performance from good to great. Here's how it works.

Our coaching principles

Every client is resourceful: This means that we don’t believe people need ‘fixing’.

We develop that resourcefulness through effective questions, challenge, and support: This means that we avoid advice-giving, but instead, take people into territory they might not have considered to evoke awareness, consider choice and invite experimentation.

We coach people, not problems: This means that we recognise people as whole humans, with pasts, presents and futures, and we encourage and invite all parts of the person into the coaching space.

We are all equal: This means that we operate adult-adult with people, and the relationship is one of mutual respect.

We are committed to closing the gap: This means that we believe the core purpose of coaching is to close the gap between potential and performance and we work with people who are committed to doing the same.

Got a question for our team?

If you have a question, need some guidance in booking one of our courses or are looking for a coaching provider, then look no further than this handy section of the website! If you’re also wanting to learn more about our unique coaching approach, our accredited coaches, or our wonderful team, just fill in the form and one of our team members, Amy or Ginette, will be in touch.

We’d love to hear from you!